Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join us on October 7 as four women from different environmental organisations share their stories and insights on protecting and conserving Melbourne’s waterways.

This panel is a conversation starter, it will give you a glimpse of some of the different experiences women have faced in the Victorian environmental sector, in both a paid and volunteer role.

“Women are key to sustainable development for all”

Register here: http://bit.ly/panelwomenleadershipregister

Your Panelists:

Anna Ridgway

Abbotsford Riverbankers

Anna - Abbotsford River Bankers

When not Riverbanking on hands and knees and managing the group, Anna runs her own consultancy helping businesses improve how they communicate and manage business relationships across cultures, and advocates on special needs.

For over 20 years, Anna has provided expert communications support in business consulting, project management, corporate cultural training, professional writing and editing, policy development and adult English language training across the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors.

Anna’s worked and volunteered in local conservation, migrant English, employment support and anti-slavery programs in Australia and El Salvador.

Fam Charko

Port Phillip EcoCentre

Fam - Port Phillip EcoCentre

Fam is a marine biologist (MSc) with specialisations in ecology, nature conservation and marine plastic pollution. Fam helps people connect to nature through science, storytelling and immersive experiences into their local environment. She leads several marine research projects for the Port Phillip EcoCentre, helping volunteers become skilled citizen scientists and contributing to a growing body of research on the health of Melbourne’s big rivers and Port Phillip Bay. She is a passionate science communicator and uses science literacy to empower local communities in change-making.

Fam is a Fellow of the Centre for Sustainability Leadership in Melbourne. She is also SCUBA instructor and radio host on Radio Marinara, a weekly show about all things marine on 3RRR Community Radio.

Having visited 27 countries and lived in 3, Fam is a true global citizen. During and after finishing her Masters, she worked as a terrestrial ecologist in the Netherlands, helped establish a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in South Africa and worked with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority on coral research. Diving coral reefs and temperate waters all over the world keeps showing her that her true passion lies with the one ocean that connects us all.

Luisa Macmillan

Merri Creek Management Committee

Luisa Merri Creek Management Committee

Luisa has worked for 18 years as Manager [CEO] at the Merri Creek Management Committee, a not for profit group that aims to act as a unifying voice to champion and advance the protection, restoration and stewardship of the Merri Creek, its tributaries and environs. She supports, and in turn is supported by, a team of 18 committed staff who undertake on-ground ecological restoration works, community engagement activities, citizen science support, and advocacy for the Merri waterways of northern Melbourne. Her professional qualifications from many decades ago are in freshwater ecology (BSc Hons) and conservation assessment of rivers (MAppSc).

Karin Traeger

Yarra Riverkeepers

Karin Traeger - Yarra Riverkeeper Association
Originally from Chile, Karin is the YRKA head of operations and is responsible for overseeing the management and implementation of their ecological restoration works, as well as the strategic direction as a respected environmental body. Karin holds a Master of Environment; focusing on sustainable fisheries and climate change and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in Wildlife; completing an internship in Costa Rica. In addition, she is a qualified PADI Divemaster, Scientific Diver, and Rescue Diver. 

Alongside working for the YRKA, Karin founded The Plastic Runner, a social enterprise that facilitates plogging events.

Ready To Join The Yarra Riverkeeper Association?

Join us in working on the Yarra Strategic Plan and the refresh of the Healthy Waterways Strategy for the Yarra.