Let's get wild Burnley Crofters

Time: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm

  • McConchie Reserve
  • Mary Street, Richmond, Melbourne

Come along and plant some natives at Burnley Crofters and work towards a healthy, protected and loved Yarra.

This is our first community planting event for 2021 and we can’t wait to see the Melbourne community take part in promoting the biodiversity of your Yarra!

The event is still planned to go ahead despite the chance of rain. Fortunately we have undercover space nearby. We recommend bringing lots of layers and a raincoat.
Checking in 
Please check-in upon arrival. Keep an eye out for the Burnley Bouldering wall – which you can access via the Main Yarra Trail or by walking across McConchie Reserve. Access the map here

What’s provided
We will have plants, safety gear and gloves.
The team from Climbing Anchors will be there refreshing the Burnley Bouldering Wall and providing food.

What to bring 
Please bring a water bottle, raincoat, shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty, various layers to help keep you warm, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, mask and hand sanitiser.

Schedule for the day 
09:30 – 10:00     Community sign-in
10:10 – 10:25     Yarra Riverkeeper opening and introduction
10:25 – 10:30     Safety briefing
10:30 – 12:00     Let’s get planting!
12:00 – 12:30     Watering
13:30 – 13:00     Event wrap up

This is a COVID-safe event and will abide by the recommendations and current regulations set out by the Victorian Government. If you feel unwell on the day please stay safe and stay home.
You can view our COVID-safe checklist here

Secure your ticket here

Can’t make the event? Donate and you help work towards a Yarra that can continue to be a home for all living things, big and small. 



Let’s plant some natives!

Work together as a community to protect your Yarra

Take action to protect your Yarra for present and future generations

Thank you to City of Yarra, Adam Bandt MP, Landcare, Climbing Anchors and the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources for supporting this event.

Ready To Join The Yarra Riverkeeper Association?

Join us in working on the Yarra Strategic Plan and the refresh of the Healthy Waterways Strategy for the Yarra.