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The health of our freshwater and our waterways are vital signs for the health of our planet. Key organizations operate both locally and internationally to improve the state of our water and waterways. Three of these key organizations are International Rivers, Water Stewardship and the Waterkeepers. All are represented in Melbourne; all work locally and internationally. Each model of operating is unique but each is complementary.
Come along and listen to Michael Simon, from International Rivers, Chris Wootton, from Water Stewardship, and Andrew Kelly, for the Waterkeeper Alliance, on how we are working in different and complementary ways to deliver healthier waterways that are celebrated natural places for people and wildlife. Each speaker will explain the unique features of their organisation and how the organization contributes to the health of the planet.
This event has been organised by the following international and local environmental organisations: Alliance for Water Stewardship, International Rivers, Waterkeeper Alliance, Yarra Riverkeeper Association and the Friends of Merri Creek.
Join us in working on the Yarra Strategic Plan and the refresh of the Healthy Waterways Strategy for the Yarra.